Monday, October 8, 2012

Wakey Wakey Isla

Ahh... poor Isla.  Life can be rough as the 4th.  It was easier this summer when we had very few places we had to be at, but now... life is much more complicated.  We have to be in the car every morning at 8:23 and we're back by 8:55.  Then again in the car by 11:25, than back by 11:55.  Then in the car again at 3:10 and home at 3:35.  And somedays that's it but others there is soccer practice and a few other places to be.  So Isla gets drug around a lot.  And unfortunately she gets woken up from her naps a lot too just because we have to go- and because Isla takes really LONG fabulous naps.
You might expect her to get really mad but usually this is the sequence.  Licking her hands...
A bit of stretching and looking up at mom...
And finally a great big smile!  I love this sweetie pie!  I feel so bad waking her up but how can you resist that adorable smile and that ducky feather hair she's rockin!

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