Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Snow... already?!?!?!!!

Seriously?!? It's not even November yet but here we have snowing actually sticking to the grass.  The boys were overjoyed and willing to get ready quickly so they'd have a few minutes before school to play.
A good action shot except Isaac's snowball is lost in the white of the bush behind it.
Another good shot by Isaac but sadly only hits Ethan's coat.
And then Ethan got off a direct hit.
And since we had absolutely zero snow last year Isaac has forgotten how to deal with snow on your head.
He walked all the way up the driveway to me crying.  Once I said just shake your head he was fine.  And off to the races as soon as I said- just go get Ethan with another snow ball.
A fun morning- and thankfully there's no more snow forecasted for a while.

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