Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Going Home... at least it kind of feels like that

Washington, DC!!!  Taylor's brother's fiance Samantha is from a small town just north of DC so we got  to take an long weekend trip to where we still call home.  Maybe it isn't for Taylor who grew up almost exclusively in Utah and then was just in DC for 8 years of school, but I grew up and moved around A LOT and the 7 years I lived in DC are the longest I've actually ever lived anywhere.  So DC gets hometown status in my book.  Plus we love it and have so many amazing memories from there.  Going back even just for 4 days was a pleasure.
Waiting for our plane.
Isla is a pretty fabulous traveler. She's happy to chill in the bottom of the stroller and has recently discovered that her toes are fun to chew on.
We flew in Wednesday afternoon and drove straight downtown.  We ate at one of our favorite places- Bertucci's and then headed down to take the boys on a tour of the monuments.  Really it was more for us than for them.  That was always our favorite thing to do when our family or friends came to visit.  They're just so beautiful and peaceful at night.

Here's our little crew.  At the beginning of our walk all 3 boys were off and running.  They kept that up from the Washington Monument, to the white house, to Einstein and even to Lincoln.  After that they started getting tired and begged to be allowed in the stroller.  I have to admit I felt a little silly buying another stroller for our 4th baby, but really we travel so often and we do so much walking that I feel bad for my kids.  I regret dragging little 3 year old Ethan all over Portugal without a stroller.  So when my sister came to Utah this summer with her Phil and Ted and fit 3 large children on the stroller at the same time I was sold.  So by the end Isla was tired of being in the stroller.  Miles gladly took her place in the back and then both Ethan and Isaac fit nicely in top.  And they were still easy to push.  Love the stroller!
Einstein is one of our favorite monuments and the kids enjoyed climbing all over him.
Cute tuckered out Isla.  She HATES this hat.  And that takes a lot from a girl who honestly maybe cries every few days or even just once a week.  So when she screams you know there's something wrong.   She hates this hat because she turns her head a lot without picking up her head so it gets turned and the ear flaps cover her eyes and nose.  And she hates that.  Unfortunately I think she's so dang cute in those pink bear ears so I keep putting it on her.

We're still figuring out the nighttime settings on our camera so the shots weren't that great but it was a beautiful crisp night in one of our favorite places.  And since the kids probably won't remember this trip in a few years I guess we'll have to go back... darn ;)

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