Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Morning at the Smithsonians

Friday morning was our last free time so we hit up a few of the Smithsonians.  Well at least as much as we could in the 2 hour parking zone we had.  Love that DC is so car accessible for little boys who wouldn't last much longer that 2 hours anyways.  
Air and Space was up first.  In a few years I hope they'll be more interested in reading and learning at the museum, for now they mostly want to look and move on.
Isla was the perfect baby as always.  Chewing on her blanket.
The one exception to looking and moving on was of course the hands on area.  So many fun "toys" to play with.

Miles is STILL fascinated.  Apparently I need a high powered fan in my house.  Taylor doesn't get to go to museums with us enough.  So cute to see him playing with and teaching his boys.
Buttons, buttons, everywhere!!!
And a plane to practice flying.  Ethan was old enough to be interested in how the flaps worked.

And then all the boys (Taylor included) had to test their hand speed at catching the ruler.
"I'm a pane!"

We hit up the Natural History Museum for a while but no pictures since I sat down to feed Isla and Taylor ran the boys through it solo.  He wanted to go show them the sunstone though so we hit up the American History for just a second.  This is seriously how Taylor's family does every vacation- seeing a lot and walking a lot.  The boys were glad to be able to share the stroller.
Isla's big take away from this trip?  French fries rock!  She's really only had milk and rice cereal so far but how could I resist when she sat at so many meals so quietly and happily in her carseat high chair and watched me eat every bite.

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