Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Soccer

Ethan's reached the age where his soccer league doesn't just go spring and fall, now there's summer too.  Which normally I'd object to but since we're not doing much else this summer and since he really LOVES soccer, we consented to him playing this summer too.
It's been a really good experience for him.  Taylor is no longer his coach and he's in a big group for practices so he gets to learn more and interact more.
Each Saturday there are pickup games and the coaches really use the games to teach the kids.  They stop them pretty frequently to call them in for a powwow to discuss what just happened and how to improve.  During one of the games Ethan got bored and started going up to other players and screeching in their ears trying to be funny.  After a few times I watched the coach come over and quietly pull him aside.  I'm not sure what he said to him but Ethan went back to playing soccer.  I'm grateful he has kind coaches (we've certainly witnessed our fair share of yelling/cursing kids coaches) who take the time to teach not just soccer skills.
Isaac and Miles don't mind spending their Saturday mornings this way.  They don't stay and watch the games long before they run off to play on the playground.
And their favorite- chasing balls down the slides.
Ethan and his favorite friend Joseph at their soccer game.

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