Saturday, August 18, 2012

REAL with friends

 We LOVE going to REAL Salt Lake Soccer games but normally we're racing in at the last minute and several times I've had the thought as we're marching in with thousands of people- oh I'd love a picture right there.  This life size poster is in the stairway.  But I never stop since it would be quite a nuisance to everyone.
But tonight we got to eat in the stadium restaurant with our hosts so we were the only ones when we did finally end up going upstairs.  So of course we had to snap a picture- even if we only had time to use an iphone.  And the boys were so excited to have their friend's family get invited by the same people (it helps that Taylor and their dad work together).  Matthew, Isaac, Miles, Ethan, Will.
If you're wondering why Miles has a burp cloth tucked into his shirt it's because I took him to go to the bathroom and was carrying Isla at the time.  As I was helping him wash his hands, Isla started laughing her head off.  I mean seriously belly laughs.  Which she's never done.  But apparently watching herself in the mirror was hilarious.  And I found her laughing so hilarious that I kind of forgot about Miles who thoroughly soaked himself and then of course wanted to take off his shirt (not letting that one happen) so a burp cloth tucked in was our compromise.  
And since our group was made up almost entirely of kids, Leo the Lion made a special visit.  The kids went nuts for him- except Miles who hid behind Taylor the whole time.

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