Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Classic Fun

Since the boys have been so good this year and have put up with a LOT of time cooped up at home I told them we'd make the last week of summer all fun- or at least that we'd have 1 fun adventure each day.  (Ethan interpreted all fun as all day long 7am-7pm and I'm just not up for that).
First up:  Classic Fun Center
This place is fabulous if you live in Utah.  It's an old skating rink where you can bring bikes, scooters or whatever you want.  The kids rode their scooters more than an hour and loved having the radio blasting and lights flashing.  
This is the only non-blurry close up I could get.
Then if you get bored riding in one room, there's another whole warehouse with another track.  Tragically blurry cause either they're really fast or my camera is really slow.

And when you get bored of that they have 5 or 6 giant bouncy slides and obstacle courses.  That little orange speck is Miles at the top.  He's literally pulling himself up with a rope.  He disappeared for a while and when I went looking for him, this is what I found.  It kind of freaked me out that he was so high all by himself, but there was nothing I could do with Isla in one arm and him already up there.
After climbing that high and sliding down there was more obstacles for him to navigate.  He loved it!

And when they get bored with all that fun, there's this monster climbing area- like 20 McDonalds playlands all put together.
This is the only picture I got of Miles because he was all over the place.

And if all that wasn't enough fun there is a waterpark attached to the place.  I went and parked us in the shade next to the kiddy pool while Ethan and Isaac went down bigger water slides and Miles played in the heated pool.
Isla chilled with me.  Such a cutie- and such a good sport to miss all her naps that day.

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