Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Skate Park

I had very grand adventures planned for our week of fun but after almost 6 hours at the Classic Fun Center, I was pooped and so was Isla.  So instead of driving and going to somewhere all day we went to try out our local skateboard park.  We've never actually been before mostly because I've heard it's usually overrun with older kids going really fast and thus not really a safe place for little kids.  But since the local school district started a few days before Ethan's school does, we decided to try it.  There were 3 or 4 teenagers skating but the place was big enough and they were nice enough that everyone was happy.
This place is intense.  The kids loved all the ramps and hills.  They of course can't do any tricks but they loved just riding around.
Ethan made friends with another little boy on a scooter who was good enough to ride in the parts that look more like swimming pools than ramps.  See that part on the right side of the picture?  It's almost a straight drop down 6 or 7 feet!  And this little kid would just jump and go right down it and ride around in the bottom and then come racing right at the wall, throw his scooter up onto the ledge and launch himself up as well.  Crazy!  The boys were in awe.  And the kid was kind enough to give them a few pointers- like jumping with your scooter at the top so the bottom of the scooter doesn't scratch along the top of the ramp.  Here's one of Ethan's attempts at that.
And he's getting better at it. I'm not sure how often we'll go back or how much I really want to promote scootering and skateboarding, but they had a great time!

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