Friday, September 28, 2012

We Love the new hotel!

One of the reasons for going up to Idaho Falls was to see the amazing potato harvest but another was of course to check out all the work Taylor has helped to oversee at the hotel.  It's pretty amazing.
The pool was of course a hit with the boys and since the hotel is barely open we had it all to ourselves.
The boys couldn't wait to be thrown around by Taylor.  (LOVE my camera that can actually take action shots now!!!)
See!  How amazing is that one.
And that big grinning boy!
Taylor always laughs when he takes us to see his family's projects because my first reaction is to always tell him the dangerous design elements that will probably get them sued.  So here they built a giant 18 person hot tub just above the pool.  That's fine but of course my boys instantly wanted to use the side as a diving board and the pool isn't deep enough.  And even if it was, they built a sitting bench along the bottom of the hot tub with the water fall- so it's extra shallow there.  I spent most of our time there telling kids to stop climbing on the wall and stop jumping into the pool.  What can I say?  I'm a mom!
See- Miles thinks he's sneaky and since I have a camera in my face I must not be watching.
Isla slept on the side of the pool for a while and then got in when she woke up.  The boys were still begging for dad's attention but sadly Isla trumps them all.
After the pool we settled down in jammies and played chess.  This is Ethan's new obsession and amazingly given the choice of TV or the Wii or playing a game of chess, he chooses chess.
Isaac and Miles... not so much.  They much prefer Disney Jr. and popcorn in bed.
Next time we go up I think we'll try to stay longer and see more things.  The hotel is right by the falls downtown and we didn't even take a walk to see them.  Just too tuckered out.  Saturday morning we got up really early to drive back for soccer games- and because Isla had woken us up every 2 hours with her talking.

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