Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of Adventure School for Miles

If you ask Miles how old he is he'll tell you he is "2".  Which in his brain means he also needs 2 of every treat, snack, toy, etc. that you give him.  We've had more than our fair share of arguments over that- me trying to explain "no you're 2 years old but you get 1 gummy bear for going potty... but I'm 2 I get 2 bay-uhs!"  Yep, loads of fun.  So on some level he knows he's 2 but he's pretty convinced that he's just as big as Ethan and Isaac and therefore should be getting to do all the things that they're doing. The 2 most important of those being school and soccer.  Soccer sadly is not in his future anytime soon and when another parent at one of our soccer games asked him if he was playing soccer he responded with a sad pouty face and said "no, I too yittle."  Woops.  Have I been saying that too him too often?  Yep, it's a pretty frequent phrase around here.
But luckily if he couldn't be on a soccer team at least he was big enough for school.  Joy school at least.  I loved doing joy school with both Ethan and Isaac.  Each time was very different but wonderful for each of them.  This time is going to be no exception.  For the first time my little group is actually not even using the actual joy school curriculum.  In fact we're calling it Adventure School so there's no confusion.  Basically we created a calendar for the year with a letter for each week.  And then when it's your turn you get to just plan whatever you'd like based around that letter.  Still the same 2 hours, 2 days a week which is just about perfect for this almost 3 year old.  He wants to have a little bit of time with other kids his own age but he loves having time at home with me too.  And I love having just a few mornings each week to get my errands all run since he's no longer a very willing shopping buddy.  So yeah for Adventure school.  Lots of singing and stories, free play, snacks, art projects, and friends.  Just not any structured curriculum.  I have to admit I'm really excited for my week to come.
And Miles... he doesn't look excited at all does he?  Such a big, happy boy!
The first day of Adventure school was at a mom's house just around the corner from us.  Her theme was safety so for her second day she had them all take a field trip to the local fire station which is conveniently less than a block from our homes.  I tagged along for fun.  How cute are the pink fire helmets?
Our fireman was very excited to have us and talked and talked.  The kids were really good and mostly didn't touch things.
Miles in his cute helmet completing his souvenir outfit from dad's trip.
Such a fun week!  Miles can't wait for more!

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