Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Officially a Bobcat Cub Scout

Ethan has been DIEING to be a cub scout.  Taylor has been the Cub Master in our ward now for a year and so Ethan has gotten to go along to several pack meetings as well as scout day camp.  He LOVES it!  And since our area has so few cub scouts in each age group, they have it set up so that all the boys come in when they start 2nd grade instead of just coming one by one when they turn 8.  Seems a lot easier to me to keep them all on track and earning badges together.  So Ethan got to start scouts in August and surprise! I'm the new wolf leader.  I'll admit parts of being the wolf leader have been hard but overall it's been a good experience.  
In our first month all 5 of my cub scouts were able to earn their Bobcats so for the September pack meeting they received them.
Taylor always tries to do an activity during Pack Meeting that will earn them a belt loop or something so for tonight that was learning about and playing Badminton.  The loved it!
Isla loved it too- even when I neglected her and left her in her carseat.  In fairness it has been in the high 80's the entire month and then suddenly today was rainy and chilly and I wasn't prepared with enough warm clothing.
One of the fabulous members of our ward let us use their amazing backyard.
I did manage to find a hat to keep her bald hear warm.  She's recently discovered her tongue and it's very entertaining to watch her playing with it.
She's kind of the scout mascot- especially to the other moms at pack meeting.
In addition to Badminton, the boys got to try their hand at horseshoes.
Isaac tried to be one of the scouts for a while and after getting hit by random badminton rackets a few too many times he gave up and asked for dad's iphone.  Taylor's a pushover :)
Miles followed the girls up the hill and spent the entire night on the trampoline.
After almost an hour of playing horseshoes and badminton, Taylor led a short ceremony of awards and funny cheers.

And then all the little wolves received their Badger badges... I mean Bobcat badges.  You'll have to ask Taylor about that :).  Each of the mom's got a mother's necklace to keep their badge pins on and it was nice to have a little mother/son moment.
Ethan really is a wonderful boy.  I can't say little anymore because he's getting so big in so many ways. I'm grateful I get to be his wolf leader so I can see him learning and growing so much.

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