Friday, February 14, 2014

V-Day fun

Valentines Day began bright and early when I suddenly remembered at 6:50am that I'd forgotten to fill my kid's Valentines envelopes.  So I ran out quickly and filled them up.  Brownie hearts, chocolates, pez, and Olaf- just because he's so irresistible.
And then it was off to a normal day.  Isla spent part of the afternoon eating her Valentine treats on me while I was trying to get in a moments peace.
And there was sharing of Valentine cards and candy after the boys got home from school.
Maybe too much sharing.... ring pops are great for spreading germs.
And then since we're kind of over the whole Valentines-is-a-romantic-holiday thing we decided to invite friends and family over for dinner and fun.  The kids entertained themselves- dancing, singing, spinning, and making a mess of the downstairs.  This is Isla's best friend Emma who she asks to play with no less than 25 times a day.
And while the kids played, the adults ate loads of fondue.  Really this is a tradition I've been trying to fit into our lives for the past 10 years.  My family has fondue every year on Christmas Eve.  It's a really fun way to spend a long evening together- making sauces, chopping ingredients, sitting around the table eating, cleaning it up and then doing it all again for the 2nd and 3rd course.  We'd spend hours together on Christmas Eve just enjoying the food and the time together.  But this kind of meal has never worked out on our Christmas Eves around the world with Taylor's family.  So finally this past year I had the realization that I could just pick another holiday to add Fondue to and make it a tradition.  So I picked Valentines Day and I hope it sticks at least until the kids are teenagers and want their own space, but maybe then they'll just bring their friends over for the fun.  Who knows.  It was a great night and everyone ate way too much.
Messy faces=Happy tummies.

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