Monday, February 24, 2014

Miles and his "bumps"

Poor Miles is our second child with allergies.  Really it's no fun.  You're eating or doing nothing unusual you think and then all the sudden you start itching and swelling and coughing and suddenly you have "THE BUMPS"- as Miles calls them.  And though he is allergic to fewer things than Isaac, his reactions are always more severe- usually covering his entire body in hives.
Big, itchy bumps everywhere.  This time we'd just gotten home from church and had absolutely no idea what he'd eaten or maybe even just touched.  Looks miserable, right?
And here's a different day when I put neosporin on a cut he got at soccer practice.  Who knew you could be allergic to something in neosporin???
Thankfully his reactions have never needed more than a big dose of benadryl and an inhaler.
The last time these two went to the allergist he was blown away that there are no food allergies on Taylor's side or mine.  And then he was blown away that Miles and Isaac are so different in what they're allergic to.  And finally he was completely blown away that a 3 year old would be allergic to shellfish.  So we went for their yearly checkup and really they're the same.
They were much more prepared for the poking and didn't scream or cry this time.  Yay!  And though they haven't outgrown any of the allergies yet, the doctor was able to narrow down some of the tree nuts.
No peanuts, pistachios, cashews, dogs, cats, or trees for Isaac.  And no shellfish, pistachios, or cashews for Miles.

No fun but at least they had suckers and stickers to reward them.

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