Thursday, February 20, 2014

Silly girl

Isla is a never ending source of joy in our home.  She is just so irresistibly perfect.  
Lounging on the boy's reading couch.
Sticking things up her nose. (Side story:  Isla is our first chid to ever be obsessed with sticking things in her nose.  And she's obsessed.  Even her nursery teacher comments on how consistent it is.  So a few weeks ago, she started crying and saying "nose".  And when I touched it she cried more and explained in her way "Yaya- ya-on-nose".  In case you don't speak monkey that translates to "Isla-crayon-nose".  And yep, she'd bit a tip off a green crayon and shoved it up her nose.  I tried a couple time with tweezers to get it out and then just called my next door neighbor who has 5 boys for advice.  She said to just come on over since her surgeon husband was home.  How fabulously easy was that?  And he looked in her nose and said he could teach me how to get things out of her nose the exact way the ER would do it- for free no less.  Apparently you just have to pinch the nostril that's not clogged and then put your mouth over her mouth, and blow as hard as you can.  You end up with snot all over your cheek but sure enough that little green crayon chunk came right out.  Luckily I haven't had to use that wisdom again yet but thought I'd share it in case someone else needs it.)
Isla is about the best mother around.  Feeding and putting her babies to bed are her specialty.
And she's obsessed with duplo blocks.  My mom swore girls would never like legos so this makes me laugh a lot.
She's the sweetest little thing in our house and we wouldn't trade one minute of our time with her for anything.
Yep, this little girl was worth the wait.

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