Friday, February 7, 2014

Loving the last few moments

Taylor convinced us all to go scuba diving on Thursday- even my mother which was quite a miracle.  He again had his goPro but can't turn the videos into pictures like he thought so you're just stuck with the story of a slow, wavy ride out to the bay which made me already queasy followed by sitting on a rocky boat in the windy waves, followed by me throwing up over the side of the boat, finally getting to go down and being able to scuba dive.  Because of the wind and a storm blowing in, the water was murky and not very clear but still neat to be under and see things.  I don't think my mother or Kelli will every try scuba diving again but it was at least worth a try.
Friday unfortunately Dana popped a tire on their rental car, not really a surprise after noting all the "gomero" shops literally dotting the sides of the roads and also after noting all the amazingly huge potholes littering the roads.  $5 and it was fixed.  And the gomero shop was literally 10 feet from the pothole so pretty easy and convenient. 
We hung out on the beach again just enjoying the wind and sand and sun.
Not the beautiful, manicured beaches of a resort but just as wonderful to enjoy.
More relaxing at the house.
More cheetos for the dad.
And some home cooking going on in the kitchen.
In between snoozing and reading a book on the beach I enjoyed watching these tiny crabs forage for whatever they eat.

And because I'd talked up the street hot dogs, Taylor insisted we stop and find one to eat even though we'd just had a huge, amazing restaurant meal.  In fairness we'd tried to track down a hotdog all week but they only come out after 8pm which was always so tempting at 9pm when we were starving and hadn't eaten since lunch and headed home after a long day of walking and teaching.

Yep, as good as I told him they would be.

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