Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We have loved sending Ethan and Isaac to their spanish preschool for so many reasons. Isaac was a crazy child when he was little and I was sure he was the one that would drive me crazy and was destined to pull insane stunts the rest of his life.  We have been pleasantly surprised at how much he's calmed down and how responsible he has become.  Seriously, of all 3 boys, he's currently my biggest helper and most cooperative.  Maybe it's just a phase, but I'm really loving having him around.
When Isaac first started in the fall it took him a while to figure things out and so he missed out on some of the incentives the school gives. He missed several movie days and usually came home with tiny prizes.  Of course this didn't phase him at all and he was as happy as ever, even declaring "oh the other kids watched a movie today but I got to color a picture".  Really?  Did you miss the part where coloring was the punishment?  Anyway, after just 2 months he caught on and has been earning all the movies and rewards and daily prizes.
For the past few weeks when I've picked him up he hasn't had a prize with him but instead has been updating me excitedly about how close he's getting to "seiscientos".  600.  Each day the kids wear little pouches around and they earn tokens for each time they speak in spanish.  Then at the end of the day they count up their tokens and trade them in for prizes. (the side effect of this is that he's better at counting in Spanish than he is in English) Stickers are like 10 tokens, tiny erasers are 20, and then there are just hundreds of those little Oriental Trading toys they can buy.  Normally Isaac gets 30-50 tokens depending on the day.  About a month ago another of the students came home with a much larger prize that they'd saved up to get.  Isaac was so excited about the toy the other kid got that he told me all about it on the ride home and then the next day he started saving for a big prize himself.  It took him almost 3 weeks but he was persistent and kept saving and earned his fabulous kite.  He was so excited!  And as a mom I was ecstatic.  So nice to have a little help teaching values like sacrificing a small reward now for something greater in the future.  And so nice to see him so excited for what he'd earned himself.  He was so proud to show his brothers and so excited to go play with it.  Such a big 4 year old!

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