Friday, May 25, 2012

Before-wedding stuff

Taylor and I have a running joke about how different our families are on the concept of planning.  Taylor's family believes in winging it most of the time (like 99% of the time) and my family believes in the opposite- all planned, all the time, for everything.  So he made fun of my mom and I for spending Thursday morning at the Dollar Store and Costco buying non-perishable food and grandma box prizes for our family reunion that is still 6 weeks away.  But why not get things done now?  And I in turn made fun of him for not even knowing what time the wedding was at on Saturday- yep the one where he was the pastor and might need to be on time?!?
Somehow they always get it done but I prefer the planning route.  So here's Taylor's mom planting flowers the night before everyone gets in town.  Ethan and Isaac were happy to "help".
And since I never knew the plan for the wedding I just assumed it was all on Saturday.  I forgot with this being Memorial Day weekend that everyone would come in on Thursday and stay through Monday.  Oh well, more hang out time for everyone with a 9 day old baby.  And everyone was nice enough to come over (and use hand sanitizer) so we were happy to let them love on her too.
Here's Esther all the way from London (and Miles who is sure he needs to be part of the attention too).
And Sam all the way from New York.  You'll notice their husbands/fiances aren't holding the baby because they're both pretty scared of them.
And Aunt Linda and the cousins from Dallas.
And the cousins from California- yeah no baby holding, these ones are more interested in my boys and my boys were overjoyed to leave Isla in her bouncy chair and get some attention of their own!
Friday afternoon was the rehearsal.  Miles had to be dragged down the make-believe aisle while Ethan and Isaac ran circles around the garden.  High hopes indeed for the next day!
And Friday night was the rehearsal dinner.  Thankfully my mom took the boys home to get a good nights sleep and we enjoyed the beautiful Utah canyons with Isla and the other adults.
We'll skip the Saturday pictures since there are A TON.  And here's Sunday.  Family dinner at Taylor's parents home with all 26 people still in town.  The cousins brought stuffed animals for the boys so they wouldn't feel left out with people giving lots of presents to Isla.  Miles got a small Elmo and have carried him around non-stop for the past several days.  He's in love!
And we finally got Mack to hold the baby- just get him tired enough and promise him he can sleep undisturbed on the couch if he just holds the sleeping baby.  DEAL!

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