Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ethan's Dance Performance

Like everywhere else in the country, Utah schools have cut funding for the arts.  His district pays for a PE teacher (probably good with the obesity epidemic and all) but nothing else.  In the past his school had a full time dance teacher whom everyone loved and when the district cut her funding, the PTA stepped in.  
But of course that means that every year the PTA has to earn enough to keep her and also pay for all the other things it wants to.  So each May they hold an arts night and each grade shows off a dance they've learned and then you can go spend money around the school on activities and such to help pay her salary.
Ethan's in the orange there.  Can you see the ear to ear grin on his face.  He is really such a happy kid!  The first graders performed a Mexican hat dance with maracas.  So cute!  And while I'd rather he had an art or music teacher instead of both PE and Dance, I won't complain.  He loves it and it gets some of his energy out so he can focus in class.

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