Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week in Chicago

One of the major reasons for visiting my parents was so that my boys would have one-on-one time with my dad. They get to see my mom a lot since she travels here frequently (yeah!) and they see both of them at reunions but then there's 10 other grandkids to compete with. So it was great for them to get some real grandpa Pat bonding time.
My dad: always willing to fall asleep during a movie.
And he's great at chasing the boys around the playground- he'll even go down the tube slides with them.

My mom loves the kids but is much more in love with the babies. She got lots of holding and loving and tickling with Miles and he loved every minute of it.
Life is pretty good.
Running the bases.
And then they introduced us to man-made sledding hills. How cool is that? There are fenced off sides so you can drag a tube or sled up in the winter and then ride down. Apparently this one is set to get a heated waiting area at the top. I'm seriously jealous. My dad was kind enough to carry Isaac up- twice and then they all ran down like maniacs.
This is not a staged picture. Miles was playing with toys and decided the bucket was supposed to be on his head.
He's getting pretty good at sitting up.
Until there's a toy he wants to put in his mouth and then that inevitably knocks him over.

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