Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not-so-lazy days of (a very chilly) summer

My boys definitely do not believe in being lazy so we've been going places almost every day just to keep the boredom (and fights over toys) at a minimum.
Normally we'd just swim in Taylor's parent's pool but since it's still very chilly here (and the pool hasn't even been opened for the season yet) we were happy to go to Taylor's uncle's house where they have an indoor and very heated pool. It helps that his cousin and I get along great and that she has 4 adorable boys. Look at the gloomy day in the background- 60 and rainy AGAIN but who cares!
Of course Isaac wouldn't even step a toe in the pool. He walked around and shot people with squirt guns and dipped noodles in the pool but refused to get in. He loved every minute of it too.
Ethan is so independent now. He can swim about 5 feet at a time although it looks more like drowning than swimming but he makes it up for air and somehow gets to the side of the pool. Miles LOVES the water. He kept dunking his face in and then spitting out water. I had to be careful how deep I got with him because he'd bend in half to get to the water and if I was too deep he'd keep submerging himself.
Another gloomy day we went to the aquarium. We LOVE the penguin exhibit- especially since they are so active, always swimming and jumping. See how annoyed Isaac is that I made him turn around so I could get a picture and that was after several minutes of me begging.
Happy to climb on anything- even a frog.
Miles comes along for the ride everywhere we go and doesn't seem to mind it. His new skill is clapping which is pretty adorable because he's so focused that he's either staring at his hands or looking at you with the Bugsy eyes. And he does it on command too so it looks like it's time to start teaching him sign language.

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