Friday, June 25, 2010

The Milo Mohawk

When Miles was first born the only hair on his head was on the very back just above his neck (basically a mullet except short) and it was flaming red. He quickly lost all of that and was pretty bald. When his hair did start growing in, it was blond and only grew on the top. He's 8 months old now and the only hair with length that he has is right on the top in a mohawk. AND IT'S CURLY!
Several people have asked me if I curl it and I think this is an absurd question. How realistic or wise would it be to take a hot iron to his little head. Are you kidding? He moves that melon around so frequently that he'd get burned for sure! And he'd likely pull out any curler I tried to stick in within 10 seconds. So no, this hair is 100% Milo.
When it's humid the curls turn into little ringlets and when it's not they're a little more fro-like. From the top you can even see how little other hair he has but for some strange (and cute) reason it's long on the top.
Love it!

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