Thursday, June 10, 2010

Memorial Day in Chicago

This is the first year when we haven't driven back and forth from DC to Salt Lake and been able to stop and visit my parents. So for Memorial Day I packed up myself and the kids and headed off to Chicago. (Taylor unfortunately had to work- he even had an 8am meeting on Memorial Day and pulled 12 and 15 hour days the entire time we were gone).
On Memorial Day my parent's ward had a pancake breakfast. The boys love pancakes but 30+ kids running around the gym made this heaven on earth for them. Plus flags on sticks to run around with!
Miles enjoyed the pancakes with fishy crackers on the side but was upset not to be given a flag on a stick.
Breakfast was followed by a rousing game of popper balls (ping pong balls that shoot out of guns). This is easily my kids favorite part of every visit and they talk about it all the time. Isaac is right now pointing over my shoulder and shouting "looka Ethan, shooter balls, come here, shooter guns, mommy geta shoot."
After they shoot it's like an Easter egg hunt in the grass.
After a fabulous barbeque we headed off to an incredible park. Miles enjoyed being carried by Grandma Tina and chewing on a plastic spoon.
Isaac found a rock climbing wall and refused to leave.
The ground is covered with almost a foot of shredded tires so it's very bouncy- still I'm not sure I like him climbing up 7 feet and then running along the edge to get to the slide. Luckily Grandpa Pat is so attentive.
Ethan, never one to be outdone, discovered a giant boulder that he climbed and then jumped off of.
Both boys agreed these were the coolest swings they'd ever been on. Just wait til they're big enough for roller coasters.
Both boys were so exhausted that they took over the stroller.
Amazingly one little boy isn't too tuckered out!

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