Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Primary Party

Last summer when we moved into our ward, Taylor and I were both called to be Nursery teachers. This was somewhat of a let down as Isaac was finally old enough for Nursery just one week previous and we had been looking forward to being able to actually SIT in Sunday School. It turned out to be a good thing though. We got to meet all the other parents of small children as they dropped off/picked up/stayed to calm a crying child. We also got some one-on-one time with Isaac which we loved. And really we only had to teach every 3 weeks so it was pretty easy.

Two weeks before Miles was born they released BOTH of us so we could "focus on our new baby". Those were the second counselors exact words. Only in Utah! And Fabulous might I add!

When Miles was 2 months old they called us to teach the 11 year olds in the Primary. Taylor was more excited than I can tell you. He LOVED teaching Primary in DC and LOVES our class now.

There are many wonderful things about teaching this class. First, they LOVE Miles. They call him our class mascot and fight over who gets to hold him. Second, we get to teach together which is really nice because we have to sit down and talk about the scriptures together. It's really been a great experience. Third, we team teach with another sister so we still get to attend Relief Society and Sunday School half the time. And lastly, because they're 11, they phase out of the Primary as soon as they turn 12 so we still get to teach them a Sunday School lesson, but the number we have to watch during Singing/Sharing time is down to just 2. By August we'll be free and clear (which will work out perfect since Miles is starting to get loud with his talking and I'll be able to just take him into the Nursery to hang out- they don't mind since there's only 3 kids there and one of them is Isaac). One final plus, Taylor got called to be the Elder's Quorum Secretary and they let him keep his Primary calling (doubling up in Utah? unheard of!) because he loves it so much and it doesn't interfere with Priesthood because our kids are phasing out.

The only downside to our calling is that our kids are so chatty. They love each other and really get along well, but reverence is sometimes a hard thing. So a few months ago we dangled the promise of a pizza/ice cream party in front of them and they earned it in no time.
So Tuesday night they all came over, along with our cute team teacher and we had a blast. Taylor made homemade pizzas, Kathy brought homemade ice cream and cookies. We ate, played Mario Kart, and then had water balloon games.
Seriously love these kids. (Taylor, Kathy, Andy, Josh, Kennedy, Rachel)
Ali and Nathan are especially sweet to my kids. At first all of them were sitting around the table in the above picture and Ethan and Isaac were over on the chair and the step. Nathan and Ali on their own went over and were talking, laughing, and playing with them.
Kathy was a genius to make balloon catchers out of empty milk jugs and the kids loved it. Of course it deteriorated into a full on water fight but really, can you expect anything less of kids- or adults for that matter.
We love these kids and just wish we could keep them forever. At the end of the party we announced "okay it's time to clean up and go." Ethan's reply to that was "where are we going?" These kids were so nice to my boys that Ethan truly thought he was part of the group and would of course be going wherever they were. Poor fella. Bedtime was a sad thing that night.

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