Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reunion Day 5: Isla's blessing and goodbyes

We have been looking forward to this reunion for quite a while and one of the reasons for that was to meet my brother's new baby Vivian.  He and his cute wife live all the way in Rochester, New York which is just way too far away especially since her 4 youngest line up perfectly with my 4 kids.  Seriously.  Ethan is a few months older than their Nathan (yep Grandma Tina complained when we named them so similarly).  Isaac is just a few months younger than their Robert.  Miles is a few months younger than their Joseph.  And now Isla is just a few months younger than their Vivian.  So perfect how they have 3 boys and then 1 girl that line up with ours.  Sadly we don't have an oldest girl to line up with their Madeline.
So here's Vivian and Isla the first time they met.
 Jim's kids crack me up because they are seriously the smile-iest babies I have ever seen.  All of them!  The second you look at them they get the biggest grin from ear to ear.  It is just too adorable!
 Jim and Necia waited to bless Vivian until they were out here with her family for another reunion so of course we had to dress them up and take pictures together.  We blessed Isla with all at church since it seemed like perfect timing and we got to have my dad, my brothers Jeff and Jim and Dana there as well as Taylor's brother Arty.  It was a beautiful blessing and thankfully my wonderful sisters sat down afterwards and wrote out for me what they remember since it's mostly just a blur to me.  Isla wore the same blessing dress that I wore 33 years ago.  Very cute and simple.  Isla wasn't too cooperative for pictures after a long day but she and Vivian sure are cute together.
 I love these ones with Vivian holding Isla's hand.  They'll be great friends someday!
 See?  An ear to ear grin even with half her hand in her mouth!  Slightly scary to see how fast they grow though.  Isla is 7 weeks here and Vivian is 4 months.

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