Saturday, July 21, 2012

Life with little Isla

Life with this little sweetie is truly wonderful.  She constantly amazes us with how sweet and cute and easy she is.  Taylor can't get enough of her and picks her up the second he gets home from work each night.  Of course there's some things you can't do one handed (like opening Papa Murphy's saran wrapped pizzas) so it's lucky Isla doesn't roll yet and is happy to just lay on the counter and kick her feet.
Isla is starting to really interact with people- and things.  She's pretty convinced these twirling fish are her friends- they do spin and blow bubbles.
This is the scene almost every morning minus me right next to her.  She normally goes to sleep between 8 and 9pm, gets up to eat once between 2:30 and 5am and then gets up again around 7 when her noisy brothers in the next room get restless.  That's when they get sent downstairs by an annoyed mother and Isla gets to join me in bed for another hour or two.  Seriously love this little cuddle bug!
Isla is pretty good at going to sleep on her own.  She still likes to be swaddled although she almost always breaks free at some point.
She loves looking at her little lady bug friends although she loves it even more if you turn on the mobile and they move and play music for her.  Unfortunately then she wants them to KEEP doing their little dance for her and gets mad when they stop.  So... slightly counterproductive to inducing sleep, but great if I need to set her down somewhere for a minute where the boys won't get her.
Taylor is still the official "sandman" in our house.  She has stopped falling asleep on me unless she's swaddled and it's early morning.  But Taylor has the magic and coaxes her into taking an evening nap almost every night when he gets home from work.
These two are so sweet together.
When people ask me how the boys are liking her, I tell them the truth.  Mostly Ethan and Isaac just ignore her.  She doesn't cry much and she doesn't interact with them much so they mostly just go about their own business.  But Miles, Miles is smitten.  He's truly concerned for her well being and will run and get her a binky whenever she starts to fuss at all.  Of course then she ends up gagging on it since he hasn't quite figured out how to gently put it into her mouth, but he does try.  And he's the one still asking to hold her.  He talks to her in a high baby talk voice and loves to kiss her little feet.  He's the last one I would have expected to be interested in a baby but it makes me happy thinking they'll be good little friends as they grow up.
Occasionally the boys decide to include her in their fun though.  This afternoon Ethan was waiting for me to finish making my lunch so I'd sit down and listen to him read to me.  Since I was taking too long he decided that Isla would want to listen.
Not sure how much she got out of it but she's an obliging little sister and it's cute to see them interacting together.

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