Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maybe the BEST birthDAY ever

Ethan would probably agree this was his best birth-DAY to date.  Every birthday is fun but somehow the universe intervened to make this one absolutely wonderful.
First up:  opening presents as soon as we're fed, dressed, and ready for school.  Like the wrapping job?  Yep, blankets and Christmas bags since they were the only ones big enough to throw things in easily, and no tissue paper.  But hey, that's how I roll 24 hours after having the flu and being 37 weeks pregnant.  Can I just say contractions and the stomach flu are pretty terrible together.  And being 37 weeks pregnant and being that dehydrated is not fun either.
Luckily the presents were already bought and luckily my 7 year old boy could care less about wrapping.
 A new scooter we promise not to leave out in the rain :)
And Star Wars... cause he's pretty obsessed with them (and even though Taylor makes fun of me for it, because Target had a FABULOUS sale on them... seriously all 3 for less than $30)
After presents it was off to school where no schoolwork was done because Ethan's whole school took a field trip to see Beauty and the Beast.  He got to ride the bus there and then walk back with his class.  And then they had recess.  Let's just say, a very happy boy.
And then even before they could go to lunch or do any work, dad swooped in to take Ethan to "take your kid to work day" since it just happened to magically fall on his birthday.  Look how cute and matchy-matchy they are.  Taylor would like to interject that when he used to go with his dad to work on take your kid to work day, he spent the whole time bored out of his mind in boring meetings.  Nowadays, you take your kid to the meetings and everyone let's their kid play on their smart phone or tablet the whole time.  And Ethan and the others with him were no exceptions.  Maybe not a good reflection of what work is for adults, but pretty fun to go to lunch one-on-one and get to go along and be treated special- especially on your birthday!
And as soon as "work" was done, it was off to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner and games since that was Ethan's choice.
Whacking moles somehow not as cool digitally but Isaac doesn't know the difference.
Grams and Ethan are on the far left.  Grams LOVES Chuck E. Cheese- mostly because she loves skeeball.
And Miles will play anything if there's a ball.
And of course- the best part at the end- tickets and cheesy prizes.
Ethan's day turned out to be so jam-packed with fun that he didn't even get to open the presents and play with them.  Luckily in Utah, Fridays are short days at school so after taking doughnuts in to share with his class, he got to spend all afternoon playing with his new toys.
And since many of the family members missed our Chuck E. Cheese outing, Sunday family dinner because Ethan's family birthday celebration.  Miles makes himself at home the second he gets next door.
And he loves playing along with Taylor while we get dinner ready.
I'm a little too pregnant to get talked into making a cute cake so Ethan picked pumpkin pie.  And since I'd seen cute, tiny pumpkin pies on pinterest I decided to copy.  Waste-of-time!!!  So much more work and okay they're cute but they still taste the same and a 7 year old isn't impressed with the extra effort.
Taylor LOVES doing this with the whipped cream.
And of course Grams and Grandpa gave Ethan more Star Wars and this time it was a huge lego ship which thankfully Grams was kind enough to help him put together- for 3 hours!!! It's now on display on his dresser and will NOT be touched by little brothers.
Seriously!  3 hours.  That's one good grandma!

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