Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dieing Eggs

Of course with Easter dinner the next day, we HAD to die eggs so they'd be beautiful for our deviled eggs. The previous year I'd found this box of "no mess" dieing things for 90% off so it's been waiting for us for a year and we finally decided to try it out. Waste of money! Glad it was only 30cents.
The kids enjoyed dropping the eggs into the color but getting them out was impossible and actually more messy than just using a cup and a spoon like normal.
Fun to shake around though.
And of course they're always impressed with the white crayon effect.
Since it was just us for Easter dinner we only colored a few (cause we can't eat more than that many deviled eggs!) but with 3 little boys, that was all their interest in dieing anyways so it was perfect.

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