Saturday, April 23, 2011

Crazy Quick Easter Egg Hunt

When I'm pregnant I like to claim that the reason I'm so forgetful is that I have "baby brain" but in truth, I'm kind of a flake a lot of times. This year we've been busy with LOTS of swimming lessons which the boys like but they're not allowed to just play in the pool. And our pool is pretty fun. It has a full water slide, a lazy river, and whirlpool, dumping buckets, sprayers... you get the picture. Most days they beg to get to play after lessons but that means me getting in a swimsuit and Miles too and paying for the whole lot of us, so we rarely do it. So when I heard the pool was having an "Easter Egg Dive" where the kids could hunt for eggs in the pool and then stay and play and swim afterwards, I signed up right up thinking it would be a great reward for these hard-working swimmers. Tragically I thought the date was the friday before Easter and showed up all ready for a dive... only to find out it had been the PREVIOUS Friday. HUH? Who holds an egg hunt a FULL week before Easter. So we went swimming anyways, but the kids felt kind of jipped that there was no egg hunt. Luckily there was a rec center hunt the next day.

So we dragged everyone out and found this:

Are you serious? Where's the hunting involved??? Literally 14,000 eggs spread across 3 football fields. At least they were smart enough to separate ages. I took Isaac to the 3-4 year olds while my parents took Ethan to the 5+ (he felt lucky to grab 6 eggs total with all the bigger kids) and Miles was in the 2 and under. Unfortunately the Easter Bunny showed up just as his hunt was starting and he refused to do anything but stand and point at the bunny.

Isaac however was a pro. Run, grab. Run, grab. He made out like a bandit with 20-30 eggs. Which was good since Ethan and Miles wanted him to share with them :)

Which of course he did because he's a nice brother.

Miles begged (or rather pointed) until we took him over to see the bunny.

And then we got a picture with the whole crew. The hunt began with a fog horn and literally lasted less than 2 minutes in each area. A whole lot of chaos for a short little hunt!

As we were leaving my dad noticed a little family where the girls were crying and the dad was trying to explain to them that they'd gotten there too late and missed the hunt and the eggs were all gone. So my dad suggested maybe my kids wouldn't mind sharing a few with the poor girls. We explained the situation very simply and pointed our the girls and Ethan and Isaac both ran over and simply started depositing eggs in their baskets. Ethan gave all 6 of his without any hesitation and Isaac even gave a little Bee egg he'd been flying and zooming around to them. He said to one of the girls "see it's a bee, you can fly it, it's okay". Okay so I almost cried. They honestly just gave up their eggs and then walked away without another word. Isaac shared with Ethan and Miles what he had left so everyone ended up with a few but it was warming to my heart to see their unselfish generosity.

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