Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Merry Christmas Weekend

We woke up Christmas morning to sun and sand instead of snow (yeah!) and to this cute message someone wrote in the sand.

Santa managed to find us (although one 5 year old was very concerned that he wouldn't) and was smart enough to have made drawstring bags to put his toys in (since someone unnamed forgot to pack the stockings). As it turned out this was a blessing that may continue to happen in future years. Since none of the 3 boy's bags were labeled, no one knew which was theirs so the decision was made to share all the toys and movies that Santa brought. The following 3 hours (until the other condo woke up) was filled with sharing and sword noises as Star Wars Jedi's fought dragons and Toy Story figures. Who knew everyone could live so harmoniously?
And then the chaos and family fun began. Of course Grandpa had to be festive with his red Santa shorts.
And once again we "made" a Christmas tree. This years was an obliging fake lemon tree bush thing beside the TV. Sadly you get no pictures of the paper being ripped or the jumping up and down excitement since I was enjoying the moment and forgot to take any pictures.
After the chaos, we settled in for a long weekend of hanging out around the condos. We went out to play in the sand several days. Miles was very excited to have his own bucket and shovel.
But much less excited by the cold sand until we showed him how to scoop and dump. Then he was sold. Isaac was sold at first glance- sand, buckets, water! But of course he won't open his eyes for the picture. Somehow this is still hilarious to him.
Ethan was quite the little engineer building his sandle castle and then quite the little monster trying to defend it was Isaac who finds delight in every aspect of life- including torturing his brother by destroying his sand castles. Yep, random weird shot of me in the background, but pretty beaches.
A little less wind or a little more warmth and I may just have stayed there the whole week. Not a complaint from the boys though.
And in true Woodbury fashion, we had to take on several puzzles as a challenge.
Which of course they overcame (after finding the few random pieces Miles was able to snatch without being caught).
And of course we ate way too much junk food. What? Watermelon and marshmallows aren't a balance diet?
Looks like a few of us were a little pooped after all that fun and food.

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