Monday, December 20, 2010

Now Arriving at Isaac Station- Choo Choo!

Isaac will be 3 this Friday but since we won't be here and since I figured most people conside Christmas Eve a Family Day and wouldn't want to share their kids with us, we decided to have his party this morning. And since he's not old enough to have a strong opinion on the theme and since I learned from Ethan's last party how hard I made it on myself, I chose an easy theme with easy activities and pulled it all off in record time.
A few weeks ago when I taught Joyschool the kids spent all of the free play time mesmerized with the train set we have and all 5 little boys played together without a single fight. I was inspired by this and the thought of how easy it would be to let them all just play with trains so we did a train party. Thomas the Train to be specific because then I could buy some of the ready made party stuff and it was super easy.
We started off coloring free Thomas Train pages I downloaded online. Then we all made party hats with fuzzy balls and pipe cleaners- super cheap and easy and they loved them so much they wore them the whole party! Plus it made them all extra cute. My mom gave us a DVD Thomas Bingo game a few years back that both Ethan and Isaac love so we played this next. And besides the occasional yell of "I have that!" They were completely engrossed in the game and quiet. (Is that a miracle or what with 8 little boys)

And of course the cake had to be a train too but that was super easy. I just baked the cake mix into bread loaf pans, but one in half for the top of the engine and the caboose, and the frosted the whole thing. The steam from the engine was achieved with a toothpick and some caramel popcorn. The 2nd car held the car which was just crushed oreos, and the favorite of all the kids was the wood car with pretzel sticks. Seriously. I asked Isaac what his favorite part of the party was and he said the wheels and the sticks on the cake "not the cake. I don't like that cake. Just the wheels and the sticks". Good to know. Next year I can just skip the cake part and throw some oreos and pretzel sticks at him.
A nice, easy party all in all. And everyone seemed happy so I'm happy too. It was nice that Taylor could run home from work for a half hour to be there for part of it and that Grams next door could join in the fun.
This was Taylor's big contribution to the party- a fabulous Railroad Crossing Sign for the front door.

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