Monday, December 27, 2010

Hanging with the Aunts and Uncles

The Woodbury Christmas trips really should be called Family Reunions because that's what they are. Although Taylor's parents try to get us all together for family events like graduations and weddings, it always seems like someone is missing. So it's nice that at Christmas we can all be together at least for a few days. Taylor was the one missing this year so my boys got extra time with aunts and uncles.
Apparently we were all on the same wavelength (or maybe they read my previous blog about the castle) since almost all their presents were knights and catles. Arty and Esther gave them a cardboard castle you color and then it folds into a really neat castle with windows and towers, doors and a courtyard.

And Taylor's mom gave both Ethan and Isaac playmobile Knight sets (she's smart like that and realizes they should each have their own to cut down on the non-sharing).
We kept the big felt castle at our condo and then this little set at the other condo so wherever they were they had castles and swords to play with. They loved them then and they still do. Almost every meal of the day I have to ask them to clean their knights up so we can eat.
Here's a silly group shot we got the last day before everyone got on airplanes.
L to R : Esther, Arty, Ethan, Taylor, Isaac, me, Miles, Gram, Clint, Barbara, Grandpa, Mack, and Sam.

And we have a fun announcement to make... Mack and Sam got engaged at Thanksgiving and will be getting married in October 2012. Yeah! We can't wait. We love Sam and think she's perfect for Mack! Plus she's from Maryland so we'll get to come visit some of our "still in DC" friends. Can't wait!

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