Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ethan's turn to steal the show

Isaac make have stolen the show at church with his cute sheep antics, but I'm pretty sure Ethan stole his spanish program. It helps that he's been going for over a year now and is very fluent. It also helps that he has no stage fright and is very good at learning lines.

So there he is, in the middle dressed as Santa. I promise I sent him in a boring red shirt but since he had the Santa role, he got to be dressed up cute.
Seriously needs to put on a few pounds but how adorable is he???
So in order to truly appreciate how hilarious he was you have to watch a few clips. This one is of a song called "Chocolate" they sing in class and since Ethan knows it so well he got to sing the teachers part while the rest of the kids repeated it. So funny. Especially when my mother in law leaned over to me during the song to say she remembers learning this song in her 6th grade spanish class. Apparently the classics never go out of style- even in spanish.
The second video is of him actually being Santa clause and "driving" the reindeer sleigh. I love how excited he is afterwards to keep singing and joins right in with the rest of the class. Unfortunately the sound system wasn't cranked enough and it's hard to understand the kids singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in spanish. But who are we kidding? It's hard to understand kids singing in ANY language especially when they're more yelling than singing.
The final clip makes me laugh the most. First because he corrects the other girl "si- NO!", then when she keeps forgetting her lines he starts pounding on his forehead, and finally he starts twirling his hair. What's that about? Hilarious though.

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