Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gifts galore

We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful friends, neighbors, and teachers in our lives so it's fun at Christmas to be able to express our appreciate in a cute and yummy way.

How can you resist these adorable rootbeer reindeer??? So we made up a few and Ethan gave them to his teachers. Tragically he's at that stage where he CAN DO EVERYTHING on his own!!! So he insisted on carrying his Kindergarten teacher's 6-pack up the walk, to the playground, where she meets them at the beginning of school, and tragically where he tripped and dropped them and 2 broke. But it's all okay because his sweet teacher assured him that there are only 4 people in her house who can drink soda- there's a baby but she couldn't have had soda anyways so really she didn't need all 6. Honestly- love that woman so much! How kind to sooth a sad 5 year old and turn his sadness right back into joy that he could give a gift.
And then I spent the rest of the day baking, doing laundry and disinfecting. Tragically my baking day coincided with Isaac coming down with the flu and Miles coming down with... another sort of flu. But thank goodness for disposable diapers and washing machines and lysol. Unfortunately having a house filled with the wonderful aroma of baking bread is sort of torture for someone whose mommy won't let them eat or drink since they keep puking. But they do look cute and MAN do they taste good!
Unfortunately less than half got done today with all the extra chaos so it looks like tomorrow with be another baking day. And hopefully Isaac can join in on the fun of eating.
Not a bad days work- especially including the 7 loads of laundry that also got washed, folded, and put away. And now I'm going to go crash in my bed.

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