Thursday, December 5, 2013


This year my time table for fitting in all the Christmasy activities I wanted to do was a little tight, but of course nothing could be skipped since it is Christmas and these traditions are important.  Lots of people ask me if I feel bad that my kids won't remember any Christmas traditions since we travel with them every year and really I just don't think it's true.  They get Christmas presents and stockings wherever we are.  They get new pajamas on Christmas Eve wherever we are.  They get to be with family.  And in the weeks leading up to Christmas I cover just about every Christmas tradition I think others fit in during the school vacation time.  
We drive to see lights, we go to Zoo Lights, we deliver goodies to our neighbors, we do a few service projects, we watch Christmas movies and cartoons, we read the nativity story and play with our toy mangers, we sing carols in the car, we make ornaments and holiday crafts, we decorate the tree, buy and wrap and give presents, we read Christmas books, we make gingerbread houses.  Really I can't think of what they're missing out on.
So the next few posts are all the Christmas activities we fit in this year.  Mostly during the evenings after homework and dinner.  And mostly without Taylor since he works mega hours trying to finish end of year projects before we leave town.  But then he gets to spend 1-2 weeks with us so we don't feel too bad he's not along for all the pre-trip activities.
This year instead of gingerbread houses, I found the idea to make gingerbread mangers.
Isla was not interested in making anything, but was very happy to make a mess of herself and her supplies.
The boys were up to the challenge though.
We used chocolate graham crackers and frosting and all sorts of food decorations.
Miles was very excited to make marshmallow/licorice sheep.
And Isaac went a little crazy with the "hay" coconut.
Miles couldn't resist eating the frosting.
Ethan's was the most complete of all the manger scenes with a gingerbread Mary, Joseph and sour patch kid Jesus.
Isaac added the wise man with the candy cane staff.
All in all a successfully fun and messy night!  And kind of nice to add some Christmas focus to all the fun.

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