Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Morning... a little early

Hallelujah!  I finally convinced the rest of the family that it MIGHT be easier to give each other our presents BEFORE we went on our trip each year.  And it might even be fun to do an actual Christmas morning together.  
So bright and early- like 8 am (we do have Barb and Clint here to appease), my kids rushed next door to Grams house to help make breakfast.
They helped fill and add topping to croissant rolls- chocolate chips, apples, fruit jellys, and even cheeses.  YUM!  Oh and of course everyone had to wear jammies since it was "Christmas morning".
Okay so some of the kids were more helpful and some were more hungry.
We ate breakfast and then all gathered around the tree to open presents.
Taylor got to pass them out since Grandpa is a little handicapped with his broken ankle.
Esther surprised Grams and Grandpa with a big photo of all their grandkids- my 4 and her new baby Ezi.  Funny story I have to record.  We took these pictures one afternoon and sat all 5 of the kids on my couch.  Ethan was holding Isla on his lap to help keep her still and looking at the camera and we stuck 4 month old Ezi in Isaac's arms so he could sit him up.  Isaac is a really good kid but I've never let mine hold younger siblings and they've never been interested in picking up or holding other babies- they are boys.  So after the quick photo shoot (hello short attention spans) Ethan, Miles, and Isla ran off to play.  Isaac stood up and while Esther and I were busy looking at the camera to decide which of the pictures was the best to use, He stood Ezi up on the floor and then walked away.  And the 4 month old promptly crumpled to the floor and got a good forehead bonk.  "What?" said Isaac, "I stood him up."
Isla got new sparkly purple shoes from Grams and didn't give a thought to another present the rest of the morning.  Sadly they didn't fit ON TOP of her footy pajamas.
And that was really frustrating to her.
Ezi came dressed as Santa and was so cute.
Since Taylor's brother Arty and family moved back last year and his sister Barb and her husband the year before that, we now are only missing one brother and his wife.  So we skyped them on the phone while we opened presents.  Pure chaos with 13 people here and lots of paper ripping and talking but fun none the less to include them.
Isla finally settled for my new shoes which fit OVER the pajama feet.
And to end the morning properly, Barbara serenaded us with Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song.  A truly perfect early Christmas morning and now I don't have to pack anyones presents!!!!!!  I think that deserves a few more exclamation points!!!!  Cause seriously bringing presents for 15 people across the world and then having to cart back 6 peoples presents is just ridiculous!!!

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