Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dinner and Golf

You'd think this day would be over with 2 posts already, but the fun just kept on coming. Taylor's dad picked this place because it has one of the top 100 most beautiful golf courses in the world.  So for Christmas Eve they set up a festive putting course for guests to play on pre-dinner.
So we got ourselves all cleaned up from the beach and in our fancy Christmas attire and went off to play.
Birthday boy first of course.
And then it was a free for all.
The course was partitioned off with shells and drift wood and stuffed kiwis from the gift shop.  Very creative and fun.

Even Isla got in on the fun.  They found a pink club for her and she couldn't have been happier.

And then we moved on to hors devours and dinner.

This is the first of many attempts at a family picture and actually the most successful I think.  Only Isla isn't looking and the lighting is fine.
This place put our big group in a separate room since we were so large.  This was such a blessing though because I didn't worry about my kids being quiet or offending people by allowing ipods once the kids were done eating.  
And in case you noticed, Isaac is wearing green in the above picture and red in the bottom one.  I included this last picture because it SHOULD have happened on Christmas EVE- his birthday after all.  The place made a cake for him but after a only 1 day recovering from jet lag, a long drive, an afternoon at the beach, and a 3 hour dinner, Isaac fell asleep at the table.  Isla had already fallen asleep and I took her back but left the boys hoping the servers would get the hint and move things along faster.  They did not however and so dessert got skipped in favor of warm and cozy beds.   And a 6 year old's birthday cake got left, sadly, for the next day.  Thankfully Isaac is a good sport.

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