Friday, May 17, 2013

Isla's 1st Birthday Cake Smash Photos

I have been waiting to do this for years!  Ethan was my first disappointment- not because he was a boy :)  but because when I went to make him a 1st birthday cake he wouldn't touch it.  He hated sweets- wouldn't drink juice or even eat fruit snacks!  I ended up baking a corn bread "cake" and frosting it in squeezee cheese just so he'd make a mess and I could take a picture.  Isaac and Miles ate their 1st birthday cakes just fine but their cuteness was just never going to match Isla in a pink tutu and pearls.
Okay, so you set me back here but I see the cake over there, I'm just going to take matters into my own hand.
Oh, come on!  Stop taking pictures and give me the yummy pink looking thing.
Really?  I can have it now?
Are you sure?  I'm not even sure what it is.
But I'm willing to investigate.
Of course I'm a girl so let me just dip one finger in daintily and see.
Okay I need another taste test.
And so does my thumb- it didn't get any.
This stuff rocks!!!
Yes, I may need all my fingers for this much goodness.
Maybe I need both hands.
Maybe I can just use my mouth.
Ahh!  Now it's all over my face.  I don't like that.  I'm a lady.
Okay that thing fell over and I'm sure there are germs on it now so I'm done.  Thanks though, it was fun while it lasted.
Can I take a bath now???
I'll try out my dance moves while I wait for the water.
You can take my tutu, but the pearls are mine!

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