Sunday, May 5, 2013

A nice Sunday drive... or not

We were excited to go to Costa Rica for the wedding, but even more excited to have a few extra days to explore the country on our own.  Sunday morning we headed out on our drive from very isolated Santa Teresa and planned to make the drive to Arenal Volcano in just 4 hours.  That's what google maps said anyways!  We had a lovely drive up dirt roads, gravel roads, trails paralleling the beach, roads literally on the beach.   It was an adventure but we enjoyed laughing at the craziness of it all.
Taylor was very impressed with the "tree fences" they use in Costa Rica.  Apparently they plant trees along a road and tie barbed wire to larger trees that are already there.  Then as the seedling trees grow taller, they literally grow around and become one with the barbed wire.  And thus the fences are really very sturdy and beautiful too. 

Our drive was very picturesque with farmland and fruit trees around every bend.
These are my favorite trees.
It was a lovely Sunday drive until we came around a bend in the gravel road, headed down and steep hill and came upon this... yes... a river... in the middle of the road.  Yep, you see that road on the other side- um yep, that's where we needed to be.  A lot of the SUV's in Costa Rica have water spouts so their engines don't get flooded when they drive through these rivers.  Ours did not.  So we elected to back track and take the long way round- and 4 hours turned into 8 1/2.  But it was better than being stuck in the middle of a river in a rental car in the middle of the most isolated part of Costa Rica.
Eventually we made it there and even before the sun set!  The view alone was worth the crazy day of travel (Isla may disagree with me as she spent much of the day bored, bum stuck in the same carseat position with no brothers in the backseat to entertain her.  Don't you worry though- she definitely let us know she was not pleased with her situation :).

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