Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I and I

I love it when my kids are friends and play well together.  They all usually get along well but what I've been noticing the past few weeks is that Isla has a different relationship with Isaac than she does with Ethan or Miles.  Part of it is that Isaac is next to her in the car a lot of the time but I think more than that is that he really plays with her.  Ethan and Miles like her but mostly they're happy to go do their own thing.  Isaac though is such a doting older brother.  
He brings her toys.  He talks to her and tickles her.  He chases her and makes her laugh.  They're really funny together and she just lights up whenever he's around.
This is one of her favorites.  She's playing in her exersaucer and Isaac with run all the way down the hall and then back to her like he's going to "get" her.
She's thinks it's hilarious.  (See Miles in the background?  Totally content to just play with his legos)
So glad to have these 2 little friends.

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