Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Hungry Hungry Hippo

After 4 kids it's become apparent to me that either I produce really skinny kids or else I produce skim milk.  Either way they're always skinny.  But none has been as skinny as this cutie girl.  My kids never break the 50th percentile in weight but usually they just hover in the 20th percentile.  This little girl though- the only one who refuses to take a bottle- has gone from the 40th percentile at 2 months to the 20th at 4 months and at 6 months has hit the 4th percentile.  The doctor isn't worried since they're all skinny and since she's surpassing all other milestones, but we are now under orders to feed, feed, feed.
What to do when she's downed an entire bowl of rice cereal in addition to a full serving of vegetables and mommy needs to cook dinner for everyone else?  Ask Milo to feed her puffs.
Woohoo!  It'll take all night to get 30 calories into her mouth but these 2 sure do enjoy the process.
Just as an aside, this girl can chow down better than ANY of my boys ever did.  Seriously she's happy to eat 3 times as much as any of them ever ate in a sitting.  And she'll do that as often as you sit her down and feed her- even 5 or 6 times a day.  And yet still she's skinny.  Who knows.  She's happy.  And we're entertained by all the people who pick her up and gasp at how light she is (a whole 13 pounds) and then call her "dainty".

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