Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kindergarten Rocked!

Someday I will figure out how to scan properly all the cute class pictures Ethan's teacher sent home the last week. Can I just say how amazing she has been. I could not have asked for a better teacher to introduce Ethan to school. So loving, kind, patient, fun, excited, and yet she taught him so much and was a gentle guide in how to act and behave and learn best while at school. We have both just loved Mrs. Bitner!

And we've loved the art program at Dillworth Elementary. The school district doesn't fund a PE, Art, or Music teacher but becasue the parents and PTA in the neighborhood value those programs, they do mega fundraising each year to pay for 3 full teachers and all their supplies. What a blessing for the kids. While not the most essential subjects in school, they certainly make school more fun. And if you're looking forward to fun in PE you work hard in reading and math to get yourself there.

Ethan brought home creations at the end of each season that his teacher has used to decorate their classroom. I assumed that was all they'd made. Then the last week of school he showed up with all these art projects (and lots more I didn't include in the blog). He had a great year!

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