Saturday, June 25, 2011

At the Drive-in Movies

About once a summer, Taylor and I, okay just I, brave the idea of a drive-in movie with the kids. Taylor LOVES it. Every minute of it. Even the sleepy, crabby kids the next day he loves- cause he's happy to lay around the house and have a lazy day watching Phineas and Ferb with them. So I brave the crabby children once a year because it really is a fun evening together and it's a pretty cheap way to see 2 new movies.
So this year we went to see Cars 2. We enjoyed sitting in camp chairs, eating snacks and watching the "a-panes" fly by while we waited for the movie to start. Then we watched the movie together and when the second one started we piled all the kids into the car where they fell asleep (it was 12:30am after all) while Taylor and I enjoyed Pirates of the Carribean.
A fun evening and we'll do it all again... next year, thank goodness!

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