Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Up Close and Personal with the Jazz

A few weekends ago we ended up with some absolutely amazing Jazz tickets. The Woodbury family and their company heavily support Utah Valley University so all of the top people from his company had to attend a scholarship event they held. Tragedy- the Jazz were also playing that night and Taylor somehow ended up with their best tickets. (this never happens since usually there are at least 20+ people in front of him in line for them)
So we not-so-reluctantly took the tickets, got a babysitter and enjoyed a fabulous dinner and game.

Let me just say- these guys are REALLY tall! Taylor says I'm evil for taking this picture, but come on, how often does a player get injured and roll around on the ground RIGHT in front of you?
If anyone is wondering, the Jazz's mascot is a bear (he's a little too hairy in my opinion) and he is hilarious.
Tragically I have a basic camera and was not able to get good action shots.
Except when everyone was standing still. A great night and we'll look forward to the next time Utah Valley has a scholarship ball!!!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Are you sitting court side??? The preseason court side seats run $900 a ticket! I can only imagine what they paid for a real game. Lucky you!!!