Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halloween- days and days of it

Halloween for Isaac began on Tuesday with his Joyschool party and for Ethan on Thursday with his Kindergarten and Spanish school parties followed by the parade Friday, and we just kept rolling with it. Right after the parade we all went up to Taylor's office for door-to-door trick or treating followed by lunch. This might have been a little awkward except that so many of his co-workers are his extended family members so it more turned into a huge family party with a few extra co-workers.
This is Taylor's cousin Chelsea giving Isaac candy while she dresses up her little girl.
Taylor raided his dad's closet for a costume this year and found this fun golf outfit that fit just perfectly with Brent's gold ball to the head. Apparently we need track lighting in our house cause Miles was mesmerized by it.
Needless to say by Saturday morning we had a TON of candy already and had dressed up in costumes multiple times. We were still planning to trick of treat and then it RAINED ALL DAY. Knowing we didn't need any more candy I took the boys off to the Children's Museum's Halloween festivities. They got to play little carnival games to earn prizes which they loved.
Somehow bowling pins and straw on the floor don't really mix but Ethan was still proud of himself for knocking them all down!
We put together skeleton puzzles and had a great time indoors.
We stayed for the magician's act and were lucky enough to find seats. Ethan even got chosen to help with one of the acts which of course I have no idea how he did it but somehow he put his dove into the bowl, lit it on fire, and then pulled the dove out unharmed. Kind of a little scary for a kids act I think.
But Ethan loved helping and especially petting the bird.
We stayed until almost 6 hoping that the boys would forget about trick-or-treating but then of course they didn't and luckily enough, the rain stopped. So we all went out for a while in the muddy streets but at least it wasn't raining on us. We had a good time and got lots more candy and we finally got to call the week of Halloween OVER!
Okay not really over since we had mountains of candy but luckily Isaac is in the middle of potty training so now we have easy potty treats
And I have to say I appreciate all the people who give out little rings/pencils/playdough. This is the morning after (can you tell who needs a nap) and the boys spent most of it playing with their new toys and not at all interested in the buckets full of candy on top of the fridge. It was also nice to celebrate on Saturday (another reason to love Utah) and have a day to recover.

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