Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wedding in Manti

Because of the amount of driving required (2 hours from Provo to Duschene and 2 from Salt Lake to Manti or Manti to Duschene) Jeff and Jessica decided to have their reception Friday night and then get married Saturday afternoon in Manti. A great idea I have to admit since Taylor and I did the same thing.
Manti is absolutely beautiful and the crystal clear day was perfect.
I was grateful to leave my 3 boys behind with Taylor's parents all day but poor Evan and Joseph got dragged along on yet another long car trip followed by waiting outside the temple, then pictures, then a lunch. They were both troopers- love the monkey on his back.
And here's the happy couple after it was finally official.
After a hike around the entire temple and grounds, and climbing/dragging/pushing 4 sets of elderly grandparents all the way to the top of the temple hill, the photographer finally found the perfect spot for pictures. L to R bottom: Dad, Mom, Jessica, Jeff, Betty (mom's mom), Darrell (mom's dad) top: Dave, Jim, Me, Kristina, Kelli, Mary (dad's mom), Dave (dad's dad). Unfortunately I don't have a picture with all our spouses or the whole group and only got these shots because Taylor took a few behind the photographer.
After wedding and pictures we have a nice lunch at the Manti Lodge. It was outside but perfect with just a few fans and shade. It was nice to get to talk to my grandparents who I don't see very often.
A beautiful setting.
And then they were off- and so were we. Saturday night everyone crashed at our house to eat leftovers and play games. It was fun to have everyone together but exhausting after 3 straight weeks of reunions and wedding and receptions. Wohoo! We made it though! And now a few days of peace before school starts.

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