When I first realized that we would be traveling over Easter, I thought, Oh this will be fun. I can have the Easter bunny bring sand pails full of shovels and treats and then we can spend some time playing on the beach. And then the reality of how much stuff we needed to bring set in, and the sand pails got thrown out the window. Even Easter got thrown out the window for the most part. Esther's mom did bring the boys giant chocolate easter eggs though.
So I decided we'd celebrate Easter a week late and hope that Ethan wouldn't realize. It worked great except for a few adults who gave him a confused look when he'd tell them it was almost Easter and really it was passed already. But they were kind enough not to say much and Ethan went to bed really excited on Saturday. On the upside, Easter was really cheap this year- 70% off to be exact. Taylor says maybe every holiday should be celebrated a week late now. Ah, he's turning into a true Kitchen.
The week before we left, in Nursery, Isaac made this. It was really amazing to pick him up and have him excitedly explain the whole thing "Jesus die. In tomb. Rock move. Jesus come out." At which point he'd bring Jesus out through the hole. Pretty elementary but impressive for a 2 year old. He played with it for several days too as you can tell by the chocolate stains on it.

Extra fun baskets and stuff when it's so cheap.

Miles was excited to grab his basket (although you'll notice that hand already reaching into his basket to "see what he got". Really to steal his candy which is tragic since I was planning to eat his candy.

I have learned that I need to let the kids see what's in their baskets and then instantly take most of the candy away. They took their baskets downstairs and came back a few minutes later absolutely bouncing off the walls. I later found chocolate wrappers strewn about the room. Seriously it was unwrap, eat, unwrap, eat.

It was nice to have afternoon church for once and have lots of time to get over the sugar high and even to color eggs. Isaac kept calling the colored water "juice" and trying to drink it.

Ethan was much more into the dipping but the white crayon was a little lost on him since you couldn't really see the crayon until after the dipping.

Even Taylor got in on the egg dieing action. And that's a testament to how bored he was. Forgot to take a picture of dinner with the colored eggs. A good Easter, even if it was a week later.
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