Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Perfect Birthday

I have to give a big thank you to my hubby for out-doing himself on my birthday. I was somewhat bummed last year when he decided to go to Business school which added an extra year, knowing that I would be 30 before he even graduated. Two weeks ago he took a midterm in his Monday night class and thought he bombed it so he came home and announced that he didn't think he'd be able to skip class for my birthday. So I was totally surprised Monday morning when he announced that he wasn't going to class (he didn't actually bomb the final- but got an A-, crazy guy). We spent the morning together as a family and then he arranged for one of our friends to come watch the boys so we could go out on a little afternoon date. If you haven't been to the Library of Congress in DC, it's well worth a trip. It's honestly comparable in ornateness to the cathedrals in Europe- only there's modern lights so you can actually see the paintings and sculptures well. It's still a working library so you can't go in all the parts, but it's amazing to see.
These cheribum (little angels) line the double staircases in the main hall. In an American twist, they couldn't just be angels sitting peacefully, they had to be working. So the sculters gave them each jobs. One had grain representing the harvest, one had a graduation cap and diploma representing learning, etc. I don't remember all of them but it was interesting to see all the work as well as thought that went into this building.
In addition the library has a complete Gutenberg bible (no pictures allowed because it would damage the book) as well as Thomas Jefferson's library collection. Pretty amazing.
To top of the night, our friends who had babysat the kids in the afternoon took us all to dinner. Crazy with 3 toddlers but at least they stuck us in a corner of the restaurant.

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