Sunday, November 23, 2008

Keeping us laughing

Just some funny stories we have to write down so we can tease these boys when they're older.

Isaac has become very sneaky. He loves playing with our computer mouse because of the laser on the bottom. Friday he waddled into our room, looked at me with a little grin and then proceeded to grab a law book off of Taylor's book shelf. I told him "no, no" and got up to take it away from him and put it back. I turned around to find that he had sprinted over to the computer desk and had the mouse in hand with a triumphant look on his face. I then took that away from him and he started the whole process again. He went and got a book off Taylor's shelf, gave me a little smile, and then waited for me to come take it from him. This time I was smarter than the 11-month old though and I put the mouse away! He was pretty upset that his rouse didn't work the second time.

He has also started climbing which Ethan never did (literally, Ethan NEVER did. He slept in a crib until he was 3 and never once climbed out. We even used to make him sleep in the bathtubs at hotels because he thought it was a crib and wouldn't try to climb out.) We are not so lucky with Isaac. Twice last week Ethan yelled across the apartment for me to come "see". Once Isaac had climbed from a kiddy chair onto their play table and was climbing along their play kitchen (2 feet in the air). The second time he scooted Ethan's bathroom stepstool over to the toilet, climbed onto the toilet and was trying to climb from the toilet onto the sink (a good foot away) when I found him. He just laughs when I pull him down and say "no, no".

Ethan was also funny tonight. He has lately been rushing through prayers and we can barely understand him so Taylor reviewed the prayer process before he began... what do you want to say thank you for? what do you want to ask for? When asked what he wanted to ask for, he replied "to save". Taylor asked "what would you like Heavenly Father to save?" Ethan's reply: "the dinosaurs". Taylor's reply: "go ahead and ask him, it might be a little late."