Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Glow Sticks are not for biters

One of my favorite parts of Halloween is the glow sticks. I feel justified in buying a few for safety purposes while we're trick-or-treating, but then even I can't resist playing with the extras. Ethan has loved them the past few years so I thought nothing of getting more this year. The one difference is that Ethan never put things in his mouth as an infant. Isaac does- anything and everything goes right in his mouth!

And being the not so smart mom that I sometimes am, I didn't think of this until after they'd been playing with them for a while and Ethan picked up one Isaac had somehow broken open and started screaming bloody murder and rubbing his eye. Many tears and much loud screaming was followed by a call to poison control and then to top the torture off for Ethan, we had to hold him down with his eye under running water for 5 minutes (they wanted us to do 20 minutes but we'd have needed a sumo wrestler to pin him down any longer and our neighbors may have started calling the cops thinking we were truly killing the child). Thankfully everyone is okay and all glow sticks have been removed from the house. I guess they can wait til they're teenagers.

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