Sunday, January 6, 2013

Just Hanging Out

We love our Christmas trips but boy are they exhausting.  Ethan gets sick every time no matter how hard we try to hydrate him and sanitize his hands.  Arizona was no different and Ethan spent our plane flight home from Disney using up every sick bag we could find him.  After nursing him back to health we did laundry, cleaned and packed up and drove home.  We jumped right back into school and work schedules and it's been really nice to just hang out together on the weekends
Grandpa came to tend the kids one Saturday and Isla was enthralled with his hat.
And the boys love spending time with each other no matter where we are.  I love that they're good little friends.
And Ethan is always happy to have someone play Chess with him even if they're really just moving the pieces where he tells them to.
We love going places but a simple life at home is pretty wonderful too.

1 comment:

treen said...

When did you guys teach Ethan to play chess? Summer has been after Adam to teach her but it's, um, been a little busy around here lately. He'll get to it one of these days ... and it has to be him, because I don't know the first thing about chess. If we ever get out to Utah (and assuming that Adam teaches her soon), we'll have to see how Ethan and Summer do playing against each other.